Monday, August 27, 2007

First Day of Blogging

First Day of Blogging-
As I have just stated, this is my first day to start blogging. I hope that this is really worth it, because I probably won't do much on it after a while. Just thought all you people out there would like to know, in case you might be thinking of checking this thing regularly.

Okay, on to more important things. You might be asking me "what important things?" My answer......(drum roll).... I have no idea! Isn't that amazing!? Come, come, I know you think it's just about the most wonderful thing ever said!
Now with that out of my system, I can write about more common, daily basis things, like school work and such. This has also been my first day of school. Not amazing. I have found out that whether or not I like it, I am going to be posting on this blog. For school. IT'S TORTURE!!! Just kidding. Ha ha?
I am also doing math(geometry), Literary Analysis, and the Grammar of Poetry. The last two of which I am doing with Bethany and Courtney Yerkes.

Is that enough for you people to comment on? If it isn't please comment and let me know.

Red Baron


Hopper said...

you are a lot better then i am at posting


Red Baron said...

Hmph! I am not silly! though I must admit that I am rather meiocre, at least compared to some other people.(F.B.)

Red Baron