Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Ramblings of a Long Day

Annalee, stop reading over my shoulder. yeah right! Ughh. Go away! Too bad. Go elsewhere, your being rather annoying you know. >:P Nahhhh. STOP HUMMING! Your going to hurt yourself doing that you know. go away! Or else....... OR ELSE. that s what. blH. PBTHHH! NO! At least I don't hink I will. And I'll fix the mistakes too. SO GO AWAY!!!! URFGHH. Peters mean. NYAH. pbthh. FROWN. >:(

Sorry about the dialogue, Annalee was just being an annoying little sister. Except for Peter's little bit, he decided that he was going to listen to music on his computer over there, and that I couldn't listen to music over on this computer. NYAH. Well I'll just listen to my own over here all by myself. SO there!

Ok, I'll leave Peter alone now, maybe. So, We're listening to the Doctor Who soundtrack, which I must say is quite impressive. Some of you people should see it some time. Dad got the third series for Dad's day, so now we can watch it whenever. It's been about three weeks since we got it and almost everyone has watched every single one of them. We're real fans if you didn't notice.

On to more realistic, mundane things. Like, perhaps, the fact that I have now moved on to algebra in math? And the fact that I'm already finding it the hardest thing to do? If you didn't notice, I'm doing this rather earlier in the day then one would expect, because I didn't go to the shop today. I'm going on thursday instead. Nothing else much has happened around here today, so theres not much to say at all. Uhhhh... The shift button is sticking, now do you think that that is because someone stuck something down there? Or could it be that the keyboard it just old? Or is some invisible little alien thing down there trying to prevent me from writing to you? Hmmm... Now I know that I've watched to much Doctor Who. Ok, write and tell me if you want me to write about some certain subject and maybe I will.

TTFN ta ta for now!

Red Baron

Monday, June 16, 2008

Cub Scout Day Camp

The title says it all. Alright, so, yes, I did volunteer to help with a cub scout day camp. And I'm going to be working all this week except for tomorrow. For reasons unknown Miss Vicky was going to be unable to go to work tomorrow, so I will be staying home tomorrow because I already told everyone that I won't be going tomorrow. That's a lot of tomorrows. Anyhow, pretty all I did today was to play ultimate frisbee (which was actually more like ultimate amoeba), then after eating a lunch of banana bread, boy banana has a lot of n's and a's, I practiced a bit of archery with Andrew, my brother. That was actually more like me missing the target a whole bunch of times. After that I went down to the fishing hole (pond) to help with the fishing. I did actually catch a fish after the first couple of dens had visited. I don't have any pictures because I didn't bring my camera. Sorry. I'm told that I caught a bass that weighed, um, four and three quarter ounces. Elizabeth Slaten has a picture, maybe I'll talk her into giving me a copie or two of it. Then, after fishing we did closing ceremony, which wasn't much of a ceremony I thought. We (that is the cub scouts) took down the flag and then marched, well ran, back to the fireside which didn't have a fire and which we had just come from. Talk about exhausting sentences! Well, like I said, it wasn't much of a ceremony, more of a "we had lots of fun today, come back tomorrow!" sort of thing. That was my day, any questions? Oh yeah, just in case you were wondering, the only reason Peter didn't get volunteered was because he was going to summer camp. He is now at summer camp. Anything else? Boy that was a long paragraph.
TTFN ta ta for now!

Red Baron

Saturday, June 7, 2008


O. K., Friday now.


After sleeping in till about ten thirty, I had breakfast. Right after breakfast we went dewberry picking. That lasted all of about five minutes because it started to rain. When we finally got back to the house, we didn't have anything else to do, so we helped May Watson to get all of her stuff up stairs. when that was done, we watched Monsters Inc. extras. It'd been a while since I'd seen them so it was kinda cool. Then we went and bounced on the trampoline for a while and I put my foot through the area between trampoline and frame. Ouch. By the way, Dad have I had my tetanus shot? Anyway, I feel fine now, so that should be alright. After that we had to get ready for Mary's shower, did I tell you she's getting married? You probably knew that. I did however tell you that I'm going to be one of her junior brides maids, Annalee's going to be her other one and little Mary is going to be her flower girl. Yippee. Back to the shower. We got there about thirty minutes early so that Mrs. Rita could visit with her relations from Louisiana. We spent till nine thirty at the party then everyone left and we had showers and went to bed. That's all that happened and I'll write about today later.
TTFN tata for now!

Red Baron


I'm going to write about several days right now, starting with Thursday.

Mary, Annalee, and I went to the Watson's house on Thursday. Well, actually we didn't go to their house until lunch time. We spent the morning at Grapeland Safari Park, which is basically a very small zoo without cages. They had all sorts of animals ranging from buffalo to ducks, and all of those animals all put together begging for food all at once is rather like an ambush. The buffalo especially were good at ambushing. They put their slobber all over the windows and tended to put their heads in the car. We also saw lots of different varieties of deer, and also some antelope and mountain goats. They had zebras and llamas and one alpaca. Also, some alligators, which we couldn't get very close to because they were penned up. About birds, well they had ducks, geese and turkeys, some guinea fowl, and several peacocks. They even had two albino peacocks, which were quite amazing. When we'd seen all the wildlife, we went back to the front area to get some slushies. Boy were those good slushies, I got one called tiger's blood and it was really great. They had goats up front and a calf too, I'm trying to remember what the calf was called. Oh well, the two goats were babies and apparently twins, they certainly acted like twins. The calf kept licking my leg too, it felt really weird, sorta' like a cat tongue except about ten times bigger. On the way to the Watsons' house, we stopped by the Caddoin mounds which were really cool. We got to eat some buffalo sausage which tasted just like beef jerkey. Then we went and saw a really old fake pepper tree, which looked just like ours, except bigger and it's blossoms were pink. When we did finally get back to the Watsons' house, we cleaned the buffalo slobber of off Mary's car and went and ate lunch. That's all I'm going to say about Thursday.

Red Baron

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Mowing Day

I'm back! Did anyone even notice that I haven't posted for a couple of days? Probably not. But lets get to the point, I am now posting again.
Today is mowing day. Big deal. Well, actually it is rather a big deal because now it's just me and Peter doing all the work. I have no idea where Andrew has gotten to, but that's beside the point. Of course, now that Peter and I are doing all the work, that means that we're both being paid more. That's one nice thing about it, I guess. Also this means that we're going to have to start training Annalee to mow. The most she's ever done is pull cord for blowing, and that's not a very hard job at all. This also means that I'm going to have to start learning how to do the weed-eating. I hope weeds taste good, though I expect them to be kinda stringy. We've almost finished the mowing, Peter is currently doing the side yard, which is I think the second hardest part. He's already done the weed-eating.
Caleb Jones is also here for math with mom, from what I can hear he just succeeded in figuring out a particularly hard problem. I'm not sure why he's doing math with mom, but I'm guessing that he just wants to stay in shape for school or something similar.
I'm going to go check on Peter now.

Fifteen - twenty minutes later,
Done with the mowing, finally. We started at about nine-thirty this morning and it is now eleven-twenty six. Now all that needs to be done is the blowing which will probably get done later on this afternoon. Oh, yeah and I also have the hiccups. AUGH! I'm going to go get lunch now.
TTFN ta ta for now!

Red Baron