Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Cavin and Hobbes Makes a Comeback

I have decided to to instead of Italian word that I will do a Spanish word until Thanksgiving, that's when I go to Mexico for those of you who don't know. I'm so happy that this time I won't have a cast on! Well just to forgo any more elated exclamations, here is Calvin and Hobbes(Petr says that I can put it on the side bar, but I don't think I want to).

I haven't looked at that particular comic yet, so I think I will just really fast. Thats an interesting one, I always wondered if Calvin knew what a hanger was, but I guess he doesn't. Now for Garfield.
I think this shows just what is going on in John's head, "if I can do something to make her happy, I'll do it". I also think that John watches too much football. But that's my opinion, if all you boys out there(Shadow, A.D.L.S.) like football don't agree with me, feel free to contradict me.
You know, I think I'll attempt to put those Spanish words on the side bar, if I can figure out how to. PETR!!! Oh well, he must be outside at the moment, I'll just have to figure it out on my own. I figured it out! Yippee! I am sssoooo smart, aren't I. Now to make sure that it worked. It worked! Look under "Family of Red" for those foreign words.
Can you believe it? I read through Dr.Jekyll and Mr. Hyde without puking! Please, please, hold your applause, I have to read Twelfth Night now and I've only gotten through the first act. Shakespeare was always hard for me to understand. Well I've got to get back to writing that essay, so, write to y'all later.

Red Baron

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