Tuesday, September 11, 2007

School Isn't Always that Bad

Yes Shadow, I said that school isn't always that bad, and I mean it!
School hasn't been to hard on me today, thankfully. I still have my three hardest things to do, but I think that they won't be
very hard. I have to write an outline for L. A., I have to start and finish physical science and math, and I have to eat lunch. Speaking of lunch, I'm starving. I'm most likely going to end up eating a P.B. and J. sandwich and a kiwi, possibly some chips and kooliad. Did I spell that right? I don't think I did. Let me try again, Koolaid. Thats a little better. Whats for lunch out there? Or should I say up there? Seeing as most of y'all that read this blog are either in Oklahoma of Dallas somewhere. Well, I take that back, I do occasionally get a comment from Hopper.
Right now I have to write on this blog(like a maniac?), and finish L.A. at least before I can get lunch. That means that I can't read T.T.T. for another twenty to thirty minutes, grump. I lost the book last night, so I started to read T.R.K., I think thats how you would put it. Is that right? I guess it is, so anyway, I started to read T.R.K. last night, but I didn't get very far. Just about a chapter. On T.T.T. I've gotten to the chapter "Of Herbs and Stewed Rabbit." It's kinda' funny how Tolkien arranges his book, with the Fellowship first and then Frodo and Sam. The fellowship being whats left of it, Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, and Gandalf the White. The computer must not like those names, it says that every one of them is misspelled! Humph! I don't have much else to say about reading, so thats it for my book report thingy.
I learned today, besides that I'm hungry, what Monarchianists teach, and how that is wrong. I also had to figure out how to spell Monarchianists, thats a very difficult word to spell you know. The basic idea behind Monarchianism is that only one of the three persons of the Godhead could really be "King". I was learning about the trinity this morning. I've been going through a Catechism study guide and I've had to answer on an average about twelve to thirteen questions per week.
I can't think of anything else to say, and besides I have to finish L.A. and eat lunch, so See y'all

Red Baron

1 comment:

Red Baron said...

I agree, school isn't always that bad.
Red Baron