Monday, September 10, 2007

Very Serious Post(I think)

Some days I just don't see the point in doing anything, what with life making everything a mess. And then I remember that I have other things to do, like reading, and praying and things like that, and I just decide to take a break from life for a while. I also remember that I have this thing called a blog that I need to post on, and I end up sitting here writing like a maniac, just to keep people commenting, and to remind me that there are other horrors in the world worse than the ones I endure(school and what not).
About that paper that I was writing yesterday, I might attempt to post it but I also might decide to post some other paper that I have written in the past, I don't know. But the important part is that I got it done and ate dinner last night. I also got desert last night, chocolate ice cream, thats Dutch Chocolate ice cream to you. I love Blue Bell.
Today has been awful busy, and rather grisly. I read in Flames of Rome(some book I have to read for school) about Nero's persecution of the Christians, and I have had to endure a rather daunting looking list that I got kind of annoyed at( I'm not going to tell you what happened to the list, though I had to resurrect it later). I also found out that I have the privilege(not!) of reading Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde for school also. BLAH! Sorry for people that like that sort of book, though I can't imagine the kind of person who could like that kind of book. But, hey, at least I spelled their names right! Right? Well at least I don't have to read Frankenstein, do I? I hope not.
I need to get back to awful daunting school now. Nuts! You mean I can't just sit here all day writing like a maniac for all those people who read my blog?! Thats too bad. That I can't write maniacally for y'all. Ah, well. I guess that I'll just have to write for y'all tomorrow. Bye.

Red Baron


Anonymous said...

yeah, life does seem as though it stinks sometimes. but i find that it's helpful to pray and find things to be thankful for--that always helps to lift my spirits and make my attitude better.

thanks for posting!

Anonymous said...

Actually, I think you might find Dr. J. and Mr. H. entertaining. I hope so. Helps to keep a hopeful attitude about it, you know.

Was the daunting list a list of Nero's persecution techniques or a to do list from your mother?


Red Baron said...

The daunting list was actually supposed to be my school list, but you could say it was both. Though I didn't do anything to the book(Mom would have killed me!) I still don't know about that OTHER book, Dad says that if I was reading it because I wanted to he'd probably be asking what I was doing with it. Apparently I'm supposed to be reading it and saying,"these people are nuts", and I think I will be saying that before to long.
Red Baron