Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Something to Know

Yes, I do know that it's been a while since I last posted. Of course, I was gone all last week, so I have an excuse for that. Oh! Yeah! I forgot to write about Mexico! Silly me. -:~D-yes we did build houses, and yes we did do a whole lot of hauling stuff around. Well, not THAT much hauling stuff around. And just in case you wanted to know, it was very cold and rather wet. It actually snowed at one point(not that much snow, but still, it snowed)and the rest of the time it either sleeted or rained very lightly. I actually ended up on the roof this year! As opposed to last year, when about the only things I could do were to paint and play. Is one paragraph enough to satisfy you? Well, it better be, because thats about all I want to say. Oh, one more thing, they had a couple of parrots in the hotel, and they could say "hello". Isn't that wonderful? I plan on posting some pictures sometime in the future, Mexico pictures that is, just in case you were wondering about that.
Now, what to write about now? Um... something? OK, something something something something. I 'kinda like writing something. Theres something in it that just seems so repetitive. Do you know what I mean?
My brain seems just about empty, I think it all leaked out from doing all that Perelandra vocab, which, it just so happens, I did about five minutes ago. And I haven't even started math! AUUUUGGGGGGHHHHHH! I think that I will now conclude today's post.

Red Baron


Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting about your trip to Mexico. It doesn't sound like much fun this year. Somehow I had thought of Mexico as a place where it never snows, but I guess not...! :o)

Anonymous said...

yes, it was rather shocking when it snowed, but we got over it fairly quickly. And even though it sounded rather miserable, some of us had some fun. Namely Annalee, she was running around a whole lot playing soccer with the kids.

Anonymous said...

At last! A post from the Red Barron! And I see Frodo lives, too! THis is a red letter day!

Well, we had some snow here in OK during the Thanksgiving holidays, too. Actually it snowed Thanksgiving night.

The rakers here raked up over 100 bags of leave in our front yard and a neighbor's yard. Not bad for a little over 8 hours of work. I'm not sure if it compares to building houses, but the neighbor was very happy. I was, too. And so was the grass.

Thanks for posting. Bye for now.


Anonymous said...

I'm finally reading your blog! Sounds like you had a good time in Mexico. I look forward to seeing yall soon! Love you! M.W.

Petr said...

Just passing through