Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Ramblings of a Long Day

Annalee, stop reading over my shoulder. yeah right! Ughh. Go away! Too bad. Go elsewhere, your being rather annoying you know. >:P Nahhhh. STOP HUMMING! Your going to hurt yourself doing that you know. go away! Or else....... OR ELSE. that s what. blH. PBTHHH! NO! At least I don't hink I will. And I'll fix the mistakes too. SO GO AWAY!!!! URFGHH. Peters mean. NYAH. pbthh. FROWN. >:(

Sorry about the dialogue, Annalee was just being an annoying little sister. Except for Peter's little bit, he decided that he was going to listen to music on his computer over there, and that I couldn't listen to music over on this computer. NYAH. Well I'll just listen to my own over here all by myself. SO there!

Ok, I'll leave Peter alone now, maybe. So, We're listening to the Doctor Who soundtrack, which I must say is quite impressive. Some of you people should see it some time. Dad got the third series for Dad's day, so now we can watch it whenever. It's been about three weeks since we got it and almost everyone has watched every single one of them. We're real fans if you didn't notice.

On to more realistic, mundane things. Like, perhaps, the fact that I have now moved on to algebra in math? And the fact that I'm already finding it the hardest thing to do? If you didn't notice, I'm doing this rather earlier in the day then one would expect, because I didn't go to the shop today. I'm going on thursday instead. Nothing else much has happened around here today, so theres not much to say at all. Uhhhh... The shift button is sticking, now do you think that that is because someone stuck something down there? Or could it be that the keyboard it just old? Or is some invisible little alien thing down there trying to prevent me from writing to you? Hmmm... Now I know that I've watched to much Doctor Who. Ok, write and tell me if you want me to write about some certain subject and maybe I will.

TTFN ta ta for now!

Red Baron


Hopper said...

do you think it is a invisible Adipo?
and why did you call me a annoying little sister?????

Anonymous said...

Dr. Who soundtrack?! *hem*

That made Laura laugh. What is it with little sisters and reading over shoulders? :o)

Red Baron said...

Actually Annalee, that's an adipose not adipo( small alien from Doctor Who made completely of fat).

Yes, Doctor Who soundtrack, odd isn't it. Who knows whats with little sisters and reading over shoulders, or heads as it is in my case. At least that's what Annalee says. Thanks for commenting.

Red Baron

Petr said...

*snif* :(