Thursday, September 6, 2007

Does "Um"Mean Long Pause or Short Pause?

Not much going on around here right now. I found out that I have tendinitis last night! Well, I guess thats not as bad as it could be, I mean I could have broken another bone. Thankfully I didn't, so miss elfy aunt out there will just have to bear not being able to cry over her dwarfy little niece(no offense meant Arwen).
Funny thing it is, I finished Fellowship of the Ring a couple of days ago, and I'm on to two towers now. I've gotten to the siege of Helm's Deep, and it's definitely different from the movie, in a whole lot of ways. For instance, Gandalf brought Erkenbrand not Eomer. And it wasn't Theoden's choice to go to Helm's Deep, Gandalf told him to go there. Sigh, the way they mess things up in the movies. Well, now since I did a paper on a book last week, I'm going to right a paper on a movie, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Hey! Did I spell that right? I must have, because there isn't one of those little red squiggly lines underneath it(it being the word sorcerer's). Cool. I wonder how that paper is going to be like. Apparently I'm going to be trying to figure out what sort of world view Harry and his friends have. Weird.
I'm starting to go dry on ideas, so I'm going to start just randomly spurting out things about school. Right now, at this moment in time,I've been counting for Mary because she and Annalee are playing a very loud and disturbing game of hide-and-seek(SCREAM! SCREAM! Shriek).
Geometry isn't as hard as I thought it would be, you know? It's mostly memorizing a bunch of shapes and stuff, so far. Mary just came up with another rule for their hide-and-seek game, no hiding in the girls bathroom. Probably because it doesn't have any outside windows, so it's rather dark in there.
I haven't started that poetry book yet, I wonder when we're going to start it. No idea. Um.. Oh! A couple of days ago I was listening to N.P.R. and I heard this article on "ums" and "uhs". Apparently, if you say "uh" that means that there will be a short pause. If you say "um" that means that there will be a longer pause. Or is that backwards? I don't remember.
Well, I have to get back to school work(blah!), so Hosta La Vista all!

Red Baron (also known as Gimli)


Anonymous said...

And did you notice? There aren't any elves at that battle in the book, either.

No, I'm NOT your cousin.


Red Baron said...

Then you must be my cousin's mother, my aunt, right?
Ah well, we'll figure out identity later. Yes I did notice, actually there was one elf, you've forgotten Legolas.